When the Case Stage is set to 7 – Closed, the Date Closed is automatically set to Current Date.
Query lists that display the candidate’s name used to show full name, like John Smith. Now they show the last and first names in separate columns for easy sorting on last name. We hope we got them all…
Added the ability to create, edit, and use narrative templates for the personal information narrative.
Defect Improvements:
Resolved a spelling error related to arrests.
Replace the middleware that combines PDF documents for reports. This is to resolve an issue whereby some fill background reports are not produced by the previous middleware.
The address for a child was repeating the street address in the city/state/zip and would be evident on the PHS printout. This can be now be resolved by making any change to the child record and saving.
For several forms used by the candidate, upon closure, the screen rescinded back to the main screen.