First, thank you for your enduring patience while we resolve this issue. It's been very perplexing and has stumped all the experts. I have some good news. We replicated the environment on Amazon and found that it ran smoothly without latency. This does not tell us what is wrong but does point us to the solution. Still, we must make diligent steps. Starting this Saturday, there will be some maintenance windows and we will take as many as we need through the weekend. We may only end up with a final solution to be implemented and doing so can also be a full evolution.
I'm very happy since this is the first step taken that has made a difference. It's not just an improvement, it's totally back to normal performance in this test environment.
I ask for your continued patience. None of this is easy and we are working daily to resolve it. I will keep you posted.
Thank you again.
Kingsley Klosson
POBITS Architect and Developer