Is POBITS secure?
Yes. All connections to POBITS are encrypted. POBITS runs on some of the most sophisticated technology available. It is not possible to link to a "page". In fact, POBITS doesn't use pages.

Who is using POBITS today?
We'll be happy to share our list of customers with you that includes very small departments as well as major metropolitan departments and federal police agencies.

Where is the system hosted? Is it secure?
POBITS is hosted on Amazon Web Services. AWS is FEDRamp certified. FEDRamp is the federal standard for cloud hosting services.

What if I need to get all of my data out of POBITS some day?
Your data will always be retained in POBITS in accordance with our data retention policy. But you should not think of POBITS as a records system - certainly not for official records. When your case if finished, you will retrieve a singe PDF document with all of the details of the case - suitable to maintain as your permenent record. This file should be kept locally and IS your official background investigation record.

How much does it cost?
Our pricing is designed to work with public sector agencies and budgets. We charge a flat subscription fee per investigator and there are never any additional charges. Please see our PURCHASE page for full details.